Our BOLDbiz Network is a private online community on Slack created especially for those who are in or have completed a BOLDbiz Bootcamp. (Slack is an online platform where you can communicate with one or more people via instant message, audio calls, or video chats; share files; and stay organized.)

During Bootcamp, this is where we share lots of great additional content like articles, daily tips, video clips, and more. It is also where you can keep in touch with fellow “campers” and facilitators between sessions, share your progress, ask for feedback, and make connections with other entrepreneurs and biz owners. It is all about building a community, lending your insights to issues and questions from others in the group, getting additional learnings and inputs, and making connections.

We want the Network to be your first stop when you
have a question about your biz, while you are in a Bootcamp and long after.


Our BOLDbiz Network is a private online community on Slack created especially for those who are in or have completed a BOLDbiz Bootcamp. (Slack is an online platform where you can communicate with one or more people via instant message, audio calls, or video chats; share files; and stay organized.)

During Bootcamp, this is where we share lots of great additional content like articles, daily tips, video clips, and more. It is also where you can keep in touch with fellow “campers” and facilitators between sessions, share your progress, ask for feedback, and make connections with other entrepreneurs and biz owners. It is all about building a community, lending your insights to issues and questions from others in the group, getting additional learnings and inputs, and making connections.

We want the Network to be your first stop when you
have a question about your biz, while you are in a Bootcamp and long after.

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